Many have heard, it's probably on every news outlet in the country. My heart goes out to the victim's families of the London Fire. According to a news release, 79 people believed to had died says the London Police today. It's hard to imagine what pain is surrounding the families and the whole city of London. Disasters like this impact everyone around. I live in the United States and feel for London. "It's hard to describe the devastation the fire has caused," Cundy said, fighting back tears as he spoke. This was one quote from Mr. Cundy. He also quoted to reporters "Awful reality". People here in the US think things like this couldn't happen to us, we are badly fooled if we think those thoughts. It could come to our city or our backyard. Those 79 people awoke that morning never thinking their home would be engulfed in flames that would take everything they owned and their lives. Two British officials said Sunday that new exterior clad...