Tomorrow is the day. My first novel Death In Sparkling Cove releases. I'm so excited. I'll tell you a little history behind the idea for this book. The thought came to me one day, I would like to write a beach mystery. I began researching fictional towns and came across Sparkling Cove. That very moment I could see the sparkling ocean water as I sat there on the sand and gazed out into the deep sea. Every November it is National Novel Writing Month. I hadn't ever participated in it because of the self-doubt I can't write that many words. (They recommend you write 50,000 words in a month) Yea, I know what you're thinking too. There is no way in 30 days. On Nov. 1st I took the bull by the horns and went to my office and began writing. I reached 10,000 words then I hit 25,000, and soon looked up and I had met and achieved the 50,000-word recommendation. The whole month of Nov. I was on vacation to Sparkling Cove in my mind. I could imagine sitting on the sand...