Tomorrow is the day. My first novel Death In Sparkling Cove releases. I'm so excited. I'll tell you a little history behind the idea for this book. The thought came to me one day, I would like to write a beach mystery. I began researching fictional towns and came across Sparkling Cove. That very moment I could see the sparkling ocean water as I sat there on the sand and gazed out into the deep sea. 
    Every November it is National Novel Writing Month. I hadn't ever participated in it because of the self-doubt I can't write that many words. (They recommend you write 50,000 words in a month) Yea, I know what you're thinking too. There is no way in 30 days. 
    On Nov. 1st I took the bull by the horns and went to my office and began writing. I reached 10,000 words then I hit 25,000, and soon looked up and I had met and achieved the 50,000-word recommendation. The whole month of Nov. I was on vacation to Sparkling Cove in my mind. I could imagine sitting on the sand and looking for sea shells. 
    If you are not yet on my list to receive my newsletter, you can subscribe by clicking the link at the right of the page. It is packed with info about new releases and more. 
    Before I go, I'll let you in on something. I'm working on a new project that will be out either July or early Aug. It's going to be good. I know you will really enjoy it. 

Until next time.....

Justin D. Lambe


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