Pray for Texas

This morning I watched a few minutes of CBS This Morning. It breaks my heart seeing what Texas and surrounding areas are going through with Hurricane Harvey. I can't imagine what each person is having to deal with. Some relocated to shelters, don't even know where their other family members are, and if they even have some resemblance of a house left. My heart goes out to everyone involved in this horrific disaster. One of the news anchors said they were describing the city of Houston as a swamp this morning. They say that Houston is the 4th largest city in the US. It's hard to believe looking out in a big city and everywhere you look is water and more water. This could happen to us in a heartbeat. We need to be thankful we're not wading around in feet and feet of water, and everything we own, gone, but the clothes we have on our backs. I'm thankful for our men and woman who serve our country for risking their lives to save just one person from the raging wa...