I love to read know.

Happy Wednesday everyone. Today on the blog I'm doing something a little different. I have a confession to make. When I was a child, I didn't like to read. Yes, I didn't like to read. You may be wondering, why is he an author if he didn't like to read? Honestly, I asked myself that same question. Through school, the only time I'd read a book if it was a requirement for one of my subjects or my parents made me. Luckily, during the summer my local Library hosted a summer reading program. Shout out to June Pike at Carroll County Public Libary in Hillsville, Virginia for hosting it each year, and the time and effort that goes into it. During those programs each year, she would arrange for different people to stop by. One day "the balloon lady" came. That was fun, and she could make all different kinds of art. Some were animals, and she even made balloon hats. I always enjoyed going to watch her perform and looked forward to seeing the different crea...