Oh, how I love snow days!

Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful but we really have no place to go. So let it snow let is snow let it snow! 

Do you remember as a child hoping you'd have a snow day so you could stay home from school? Us as adults wishing for snow days too so we can stay home from work. Isn't it nice to curl up by the ol' fireplace and watching the snow fly? This is definitely soup and chili weather, not to mention good reading weather. If you're like me, I always keep a stack of books on hand for weather like this. 

I live in Virginia and this is a picture of how our roads look today. Ugh, don't they look horrible? My driveway is covered and our county officials are encouraging people to stay indoors and don't go out unless you have too. Luckily, I'm off today and don't have to go anywhere til the end of the week. A good cup of hot cocoa is on my agenda for this evening along with a big bowl of soup. Yum! Yum! 

What is your favorite thing to do during a snow day? Here are some ideas for you: 

Back to bed! What's a snow day without a good nap? 

HaHaHa! Wouldn't you have the best looking car in the whole neighborhood? I might have to try this sometime! 

Anyone up for sledding? Gosh, I haven't gone sledding in 8 to 10 years. Maybe I need to try this too sometime. 

And last but not least. A snow day wouldn't be complete without snacks, now would it? Chocolate covered pretzels, even chocolate covered popcorn. Little snowmen cookies. The possibilities are endless, and it's making me hungry. Maybe I have some ingredients in the cabinet to make some? 

If you're experiencing a snow day today, make the most of it. Go outside and build a snowman, throw a snowball at your brother or sister. (Ohh) That gives me an idea to do with my brother. I only hope he doesn't see this post before he gets home from work this evening! 

Need a good book to read while you watch it snow? Check out one of mine. There cozy and I know you'll enjoy them. To order or download one, click My Website from top of this page to be taken to my main author website, where you'll be able to purchase one. 

If you'll excuse me, I hear a bowl of soup calling my name..... 


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